The Wild, Untold Story of “The Good Life”

Illustration by Simon Hayes

Christopher McKittrick’s The Wild, Untold Story of The Good Life at Little White Lies is an interesting profile of a “lost” Sylvester Stallone film.  Most Stallone fans have heard of (although never seen) The Good Life, a film starring Frank Stallone, Burt Young, Andrew Dice Clay, David Carradine, Beverly D’Angelo, Frank Vincent, Tony Sirico and former middleweight boxing champ Vinny Pazienza.  It even featured a cameo by Frank’s brother Sly.

Because the film was low-budget and for the opportunity to work with Frank, Sly agreed to his cameo in The Good Life for some golf clubs and the understanding that he wouldn’t be featured prominently in advertisements for the film.  Unfortunately, the film was promoted making it look as if Sly had a much larger, if not starring role in the film.  And that’s when things went off the rails.  Before it was over several lawsuits were filed, an agreement was reached and The Good Life was shelved.

Years ago, I asked Frank Stallone if he thought the film would ever be released.  He said it was highly unlikely.

Maybe someday enough time will have passed and a new agreement could be worked out so that The Good Life gets released.

If you’ve read this far, you’ll definitely want to click over to McKittrick’s  The Wild, Untold Story of The Good Life.

Thanks to Chris Heathcoat for finding and sharing the article.