Robert Rodriguez Talks Up Sly Stallone in “The Director’s Chair”

Robert Rodriguez is a true Sylvester Stallone fan.  Recently Sly sat down with Rodriguez for an episode of The Director’s Chair and…

Rodriguez was so impressed with Stallone’s insight and honestly that he wanted to make the episode available for free to everyone. You can watch it on the …

Capone from Ain’t It Cool News had a chance to interview Rodriguez about Sly’s appearance on The Director’s Chair and their interview should be required reading for anyone who checks in here.

Stallone Selfie Goes Viral

The photo above went viral this week.  Peter Rowe, Jacob Kerstan and Andrew Wright are college buddies who ran up the famous “Rocky” steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  When they reached the top they were stunned to find Sylvester Stallone there.  Sly joked with them and agreed to pose for a selfie and the rest is history…

And many other sites…

Sly Directs with Passion

We’ve received several EXCLUSIVE pics from the Rocky Balboa filming in Las Vegas this past week. Ucon Cornelius took the above pic [as well as several more that we’ll post].

Here’s what Ucon Cornelius had to say:

Sly directs with passion. High above to the right, Sly has the monitors transferred above on the enlarged screen –something he wouldn’t have access to–to view the dailies. – Ucon Cornelius

– Craig

Sly Drawing 4th Blood?

Robert Sanchez from The Movie posted this on January 6th:

Sly Stallone and his brother Frank showed up at last nights VW shindig and we had to ask what was going on with these two [Rocky and RamboCraig] long rumored projects. To my surprise Stallone mentioned that he had meetings that same day regarding Rambo and that both projects are in the works.

For the full report click HERE.

Thanks to Jamie Eade for the tip! – Craig

Us Weekly’s “Stars – They’re Just Like Us!”

The December 5, 2005 issue of US Weekly‘s “Stars – They’re Just Like Us!” section features Sly flexing with the following captions:

They’re Proud of Their Physiques!

Getting pumped for his upcoming Rocky and Rambo sequels, SYLVESTER STALLONE, 59, flashed his big guns leaving a Beverly Hills gym after a two-hour workout on November 14. “I’m just trying to keep up with the young bloods!” he has said.

– Craig

Bill Pruitt’s New “Rocky Balboa” Painting

SZoner, CBEARHUG were and some friends met up with artist, Bill Pruitt back in July when they were visiting Universal City Walk. CBEARHUG sent in the following report:

Bill paints at, Cafe tu tu Tango, a popular bar and grill. All of the artists line up along the sides of the circular outside/inside bar and grill. There are usually 5-7 artists there at any one time. Bill’s work always stands out.

As luck would have it Bill was there working on a new Rocky Balboa painting. We all knew that Bill was a fantastic artist and a great guy, but what we didn’t know what is that he’s also an accomplished magician! Bill took time to show us a few tricks and to sign some autographs.

By the way, the Rocky painting should appear in a future issue of Sly.

Wow! Another awesome Bill Pruitt painting! CBear, thanks for the report! – Craig