On June 12, 2011, CinemaSpy posted a piece by Robert Falconer asking. “Can Sly Stallone and Walter Hill Deliver Action Gold Together?”
I think we all know the answer to that! – Craig
The #1 Sylvester Stallone Fan Site in the World!
On June 12, 2011, CinemaSpy posted a piece by Robert Falconer asking. “Can Sly Stallone and Walter Hill Deliver Action Gold Together?”
I think we all know the answer to that! – Craig
On June 10, 2011, The Hollywood Reporter posted that Joel Silver will produce Sly and Walter Hill’s adaptation of the comic series “Bullet in the Head.” Here are some excerpts…
Other sites reporting the news…
On May 27, 2011, Quint at AICN reported that Thomas Jane may be out as Sly’s co-star in the Walter Hill directed “Headshot.” According to Quint…
If true, that’s just plain stupid. Not only do Sly and Jane both look like the characters from the comic series that they’re supposed to play, but Stallone and Jane make for a great on-screen pairing. Let’s hope that studio suits don’t ruin what was shaping up to be a very, very good movie.
What’s Playing has posted a synopsis of Headhsot – be aware that it does contain spoilers! – Craig
On April 8, 2011, Den of Geek reported that Lionsgate announced that Sly, despite earlier reports to the contrary will direct Expendables 2 which is set to premiere August 17, 2012.
On April 6, 2011, Deadline reported that Sly was in talks with Walter Hill to take on the directoral regins of “Headshots.”
Sly was also quoted as to why Wayne Kramer left the picture:
On April 6, 2011, IndieWire reported that director, Wayne Kramer, who was set to direct Sly in “Headshots” is no longer attached to the film. IndieWire speculated that Kramer may be moving on to “Pretty Boy Floyd” and that Sly may take the directorial reigns of “Headshots” since it has to get started soon.
“Sly Stallone‘s still the man for international buyers. IM Global’s $40 million-budgeted Sylvester Stallone action project Headshot attracted heat here at the European Film Market with German giant Constantin taking the hit for local territory rights in a major pre-sale deal.” – that’s a quote from The Hollywood Reporter and you can read the full piece here.