Dolph Confirms R-Rating

On March 29, 2012, Dolph Lundgren was quoted for Empire confirming that Expendables 2 will be R-rated.

  • “I heard that it’s now R again,” says Dolph. “Stallone’s basic setting is to make it very violent. That’s just in his personality, and if it was me I would do the same. I guess the producers figure they can make another $50m if it’s PG-13, and if it was my money I might say the same thing! But I think for the fans, if it’s tougher it’s better.”

You can read the entire piece here.

Expendables II “R” Rating

Last week’s confirmation from Sly that the Expendables 2 would be “R” rated was widely reported:

Arnold & Sly: Shoulder to Shoulder

For years fans hoped to see Sly Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger appear in a movie together.  The dream team-up finally occurred in The Expendables.  When it was announced that Arnold would be back in a bigger role for The Expendables 2, fans couldn’t believe their luck.

Speaking of luck, what are the odds that both Arnold and Sly would find themselves side by side in a hospital prep room with both going in for shoulder surgery?  Not to worry though, once they are healed both Arnold and Sly are set to team once again in The Tomb.

The Expendables 2: PG13 Rating

The big news this week, and boy, did it create a firestorm of controversy, is that The Expendables 2 is going to be rated PG-13.  The news broke when Chuck Norris was quoted as saying…

  • “In Expendables 2, there was a lot of vulgar dialogue in the screenplay. Fot this reason, many young people wouldn’t be able to watch this. But i don’t play in movies like this. Due to that i said i won’t be a part of that if the hardcore language is not ereased. Producers accepted my conditions and the movie will be classified in the category of PG-13.”

Many fans were outraged, feeling that The Expendables 2 needed the “R” rating.  Others were confident that sequel wouldn’t suffer with a PG13 classification, and in fact might even do better at the box office. 

Harry, at AICN, got this response from Sly in regard to the PG13 rating

  • Harry, the film is fantastic with Van Damme turning in an inspired performance… Our final battle is one for the ages. The PG13 rumor is true, but before your readers pass judgement,  trust me when I say this film is LARGE in every way and  delivers on every level. This movie touches on many emotions which we want to share with the broadest audience possible, BUT, fear not, this Barbeque of Grand scale Ass Bashing will not leave anyone hungry…Sly

After getting that response from Sly, Harry  posted

  • You know – if the film is PG13 – and a better film that the last one, I’m alright with it.   It isn’t like the last film was pushing the R-rating.

As for me, the PG13 rating doesn’t concern me in the least.  I want a great action-packed movie and I’m sure that’s what we’re going to get.  

Expendables Premiere: Chuck Norris  Interview