The Expendables 2: 10 Reasons Why…

Flickering Myth posted 10 Reasons Why The Expendables 2 is Going to be Explosively Awesome. Reason #1…

1 – Sylvester Stallone: Sly is brilliant. He’s the baker, and only he could have brought together such a grouping that he did in the first film, and now for the sequel. That aside, it’s been a joy for action fans of late to see Stallone’s renaissance, starting with final outings for Rocky Balboa and John Rambo. Leaving behind his director’s chair this time will hopefully ensure that Sly can concentrate on making Barney Ross become a more memorable character, and more in line with his iconic turns as the boxer and the crazy Nam vet.

Sly in Bulgaria for Expendables 2 Filming

On September 29, 2011, posted three photos of Sly arriving in Bulgaria to begin filming on The Expendables 2Sly was quoted as saying…

The fight scenes in this movie will be much bigger and better than those in the first part. The scale of production is much larger, so it will get people in Bulgaria feel very proud. I want to tell them that we will have a great time and will spend lots of money here, which will help the economy. At the end everyone will be a winner.”

You can see the full report here.


Liam Hemsworth is Expendable

The big news this week is that Liam Hemsworth has joined the cast of The Expendables 2.

And dozens of other sites…

Expendables 2 Casting News

Casting for The Expendables 2 continues to be on everyone’s mind…

And dozens of other sites…