The following item appeared in the June 30, 2000 issue of USAToday:

Stars learn the phrase ‘Never say never’

By Josh Chetwynd and Andy Seiler, USA TODAY

Hit movies from the ’80s and early ’90s – and the actors who became stars in them – are trying to revive the magic.

Harrison Ford is waiting for a script from M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense) for a fourth Indiana Jones. Sharon Stone is ready to do Basic Instinct 2. Arnold Schwarzenegger is returning for a third Terminator. Sylvester Stallone is “in talks” for Rocky 6. Paul Hogan is shooting a third “Crocodile” Dundee. And Under Siege 3 is being developed for Steven Seagal.

Many of the stars vowed they’d never go back. But now, with the possible exception of Ford, their signature characters are their best bet for a career boost.

“Their careers have not been as great as they once were,” says syndicated columnist Marylin Beck. “So they are more susceptible to offers to a sequel that – on the way up – they said they wouldn’t do.”

More old favorites might be returning without their original stars. Planet of the Apes is returning with Mark Wahlberg in the Charlton Heston role.
Several producers are considering another Fletch, but someone younger than Chevy Chase likely would star. And writers are working on the script for Pink Panther 10, though attempts with Alan Arkin, Ted Wass and Roberto Benigni in the late Peter Sellers’ role failed.

Why the rush to bring back old movies? Hollywood is not making good new ones, Beck says. “Ask somebody, ‘Seen any good movies this year?'” and their list probably begins and ends with Erin Brockovich and Gladiator. You have to hunt out the art houses to find the foreign films to watch a decent story. So Hollywood leans more and more on the tried and true.”

Rocky VI anyone? Thanks to Andrew for posting this item on the SZ message board as well!

– Craig Zablo

(July 02, 2000)