In Mike Walker’s ALL THE GOSSIP column in the June 12, 2001, issue of The National Enquirer, the following item appears:

GONE IN 60 SECONDS:ROCKY start for SLY STALLONE after he arrived in Italy to film “Avenging Angelo” – then roared off in a stranger’s car in a scene right out of “Driven“! The star exited a trattoria after a business lunch, spotted his leased car as a valet drove it up, hopped in – and BOOGIED!! Problem? The car, although identical, WASN’T HIS! The valet ran screaming after Sly, but he didn’t hear – and moments later, the REAL owners were screaming at the valet! Meanwhile, after driving a few blocks, Stallone said to himself, “YO! This car ain’t MINE!” He floored it back to the eatery and confronted an enraged Italian couple – whose mouths dropped open when they recognized the superstar car thief. They calmed quickly when Sly apologized – AND signed autographs!

– Craig Zablo (June 17, 2001)