We’ve been hearing a lot of really good things about “Shade.” Not only has the movie betting getting good advance buzz, but Sly‘s work as well. Up until now, though, nobody had seen the film. Ain’t It Cool‘s Moriarty has seen the film and has posted a positive review of it — especially Sly‘s work. Here’s a brief look at what he has to say:
What is it about Sylvester Stallone?
I’ve long since given up on the idea that ‘80s action icon Ahnold is ever going to set aside his pursuit of the filthy lucre in exchange for doing smaller, more daring films. He might make good movies in the future, but he’s never going to really take a chance again. It’s just not the way that particular Terminator is programmed.
But every time I’m about to give up on Stallone for similar reasons (I mean, my god, did you actually SEE the abomination that was DRIVEN?!), he turns around and does something that keeps him interesting and relevant. COPLAND may not have been a great movie, but it was sincere and smart, and Stallone was quite affecting in his role. Now, a few years and several largely unreleased films (D-TOX, AVENGING ANGELO) down the road, Stallone’s pulled another ace out of his sleeve in the form on this clever little con game written and directed by newcomer Damian Neiman.”
You gotta love a review that starts out like that and ends with: ” ..SHADE delivers all the way to its last twists and turns, with performances that really crackle (special mention must go to Stallone, once again, who embodies a particular sort of Old World charm) and a low-key wit that never strains, that never seems to work too hard…”
Man, now I really can’t wait for Shade [co-starring Gabriel Byrne, Thandie Newton, and Melanie Griffith] to be released. For Moriarty‘s complete review click HERE.
– Craig Zablo
(October 19, 2002)