SZ E-Mail #1

The StalloneZone receives a lot of e-mail of all types. We recieved two pieces this week that we want to share with all SZoners. I think that you’ll understand why after you read them.

E-Mail #1
Jul 26th, 2003, 04:20am

Hey Craig,

I have been a member here on and off for the last 4 years. I just now got my new account. I have been in the Middle East for the last 6 months and our commanders just unblocked message boards recently. I have missed being able to be an active member on this board. Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks for your great site. When I get back home, I would like to make a donation to the site, in order to show my appreciation for all the work you put into it. Can you let me know what I need to do and how much would be appropriate?


Matt Atkinson

BTW, I got to see Avenging Angelo on big screen in Dubai, UAE. I wore my SZ t-shirt there too. Just spreading the SZ to the middle east and our new capitalist country, Iraq!

Now how cool is that? I wrote Matt back thanking him not only the kind words about the SZ but for the service he is giving to our country and the free world. It humbles me to think that the SZ is one of the things that he misses while overseas in such a dangerous situation. I’m proud and happy that we’ve been able to create such a community of fans. And how cool is it that Matt‘s wearing his SZ shirt in Iraq! Hopefully Matt will get us a picture with him in it… before he comes safely back home!– Craig Zablo