Sly All Over Flex Magazine

Ernest “Jazzman” Resendes sent in the following pic and message: Doren was nice enough to mention that Sly was all over the current issue of Joe Weider’s FLEX ( June 2004 ). I scanned one of the many INSTONE ads in the mag and a cool behind the scenes pic of Stallone and bodybuilder Mike Matarazzo at the 2004 Arnold Classic.

Have a great one !

Thanks to Doren and Ernest “Jazzman” Resendes!

– Craig

Sly, as chairman and founder of Instone, has been all over the news lately.

Instone and GNC [the #1 retail chain for nutritional supplements in the USA] have teamed to create the biggest launch ever for any nutrional product! Instone produces products ranging from supplements designed to increase muscle mass, or for use by anyone seeking a quick and healthy meal or snack. Other Instone products include meal replacement shakes, which will soon be packaged with a free educational fitness DVD starring Stallone.

Sly was inspired to create the line while working to lose the 44 pounds he gained for a role as a small-town sheriff in the movie Cop Land.

You can read more here, or here, or here, or just go here for all.