Ernest Jazzman Resendes sent in the following:
This month’s (issue 91) of TOTAL FILM lists The 25 Greatest Sports Movies (voted by filmgoers!) and guess who comes in at #1, #2 and #24?
You guessed it !!!
Here’s a taste of what they had to say…
#1 ROCKY (1976) : A film about a palooka, made by a palooka-but it’s your greatest sports movie of all time. The palooka being Sylvester Stallone, a bit-part guy who, like his character, made the most of his one shot.
“I was as marketable as tear gas, ” recalls Stallone. “Nobody wanted me, but I wasn’t about to let this thing go.” His tenacity paid off — three Oscars, $220-million worldwide and a string of sequels that made him one of Hollywood‘s most bankable stars.
#2 ESCAPE TO VICTORY (1981) : It’s a fairytale football for those who want to believe–in jumpers for goalposts, sudden- death penalty saves and Caine‘s man’s-man persona, epitomized by his advice to the soccer stars nervous about [ “Once I’d said to them:’ Come on, don’t worry about it, just say say the lines!’ ].
#24 ROCKY IV (1985) : It’s the only Rocky movie that doesn’t feature Bill Conti‘s score-it returns in Rocky V -yet, of the four sequels, you voted it the one challenger to the John G. Avildsen‘s big-hitting original.
Someone should send an issue over to MGM ! – Jazzman
Thanks to Jazz for passing along the news! – Craig Zablo