The Contender Has a Fighting Chance‘s Ask the Reality Show Experts posted an insteresting answer to the following question:

Will ESPN pick up the boxing reality show?

Here’s a bit of their answer: Contender fans aren’t going down without a fight…

NBC’s “The Contender”
may not have been a
smash hit, but it had a
solid base of about 6
viewers per week, and it has rabid support among fans…

Executive producers Sugar Ray Leonard, Sylvester Stallone, and Mark Burnett are reportedly talking to ESPN about taking the series to the cable network for a second season…

NBC has said they haven’t officially turned down the show yet. Last week Burnett told the New York Times that a renewal announcement was “highly likely” last week. There hasn’t been word yet, but all of these seem to add up to a return for “The Contender.”

For full details click HERE.
