MGM is in the SZONE! An Update of Sorts…

Two weeks ago I received an e-mail from a representative from Sylvester Stallone‘s office. This led to some phone calls where I was told that Sly was very much aware of the dedication and job that I had done over the past ten years in creating and running the StalloneZone. I was also told that Sly appreciates the positive atmosphere, excitement and support shown by SZoners.

Those e-mails and phone calls led to discussions with a rep from MGM about how the SZ could become involved in the promotion of “Rocky Balboa“.

Longtime SZoners will remember the contests that we ran to help promote “Driven”and so I assumed that we could do some things along those lines… and maybe on an even bigger scale.

Interestingly enough, about the same time that all of this was going on, I received e-mails and photos from Sage Stallone.

This led some folks on the message boards to post or even e-mail me about “my connections” and how I could use them to benefit “us.” I started to receive business offers, people requesting autographs, money, asking that I forward scripts to Sly, that I try to get a private screening of Rocky Balboa with Sly for SZoners

Whew! Someone, please stop the madness!

I’m not sure what role the SZ will play in the official promotion of “Rocky Balboa“. At the very least things will continue as they have for the last ten years — being the best fan site possible.

December 22, 2006 will be here before we know it. In the mean time, let’s continue to get the word out that Rocky is Back.

See you on the message boards!

– Craig Zablo