It’s Dixon…

Mason Dixon [ANTONIO TARVER] takes it to Rocky Balboa [SYLVESTER STALLONE] when the two meet in the center of the ring with neither willing to give an inch.
– Craig Zablo

It’s the final round of the Academy Awardยฎ -winning Rocky franchise hits theatres Friday, December 22, 2006. Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.

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Photo by: John Bramley

2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC

As an added bonus for SYLVESTER STALLONE / ROCKY fans, here’s Sly’s response to another question sent in by STALLONEZONErs!

Craig Zablo: Is writing an autobiography in your plans?

SYLVESTER STALLONE: [LAUGHS] No, ’cause I can’t tell the truth. I have to wait until like hundreds of people are dead and it’s gonna take forever. I don’t want to embarrass anyone. If they wait until I’m dead, is it possible to write an autobiography from the grave? Now there’s a trick.

64 Replies to “It’s Dixon…”

  1. Anonymous said…
    unbelievable.. im watching the marathon and nor one mention of the new installment coming out next month.. its ridiculous

    Yeah, I know I thought for sure they would be having interviews from Sly, Burt, Talia and Milo…everyone. But nothing, does the media not care? I hope there is something in December at least. We need to see that its real, on tv and everyone knows about it. This is a big deal, its the last one after 5 others. But we seem to be the only ones that care. ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

  2. You think Sly is wearing pants right now?

    I know if I was as rich as he is, I would never wear pants, ever again!

  3. I am a hip hop artist and I have two songs in the upcoming Rocky Balboa film. I have seen a good portion of the film and it is actually a pretty good movie. You can check out snippets of my tracks in the movie at, they are the last two songs on the page, RAW and Get Up feat. Frank Stallone. And look out for my new album next month!

  4. I am a 39 year old female, and I have seen every Rocky movie. Watching them on T.V. now, Still to this day ,whenever they play the “Theme song” or
    “Eye of the tiger” I get off my couch and start singing and think I’m Rocky. Saying “Yeah”!!!!!

  5. holyfeild is good but the italion stalion is the greatest hes everbodys idol rocky is the greates boxing star ever!

  6. Sly,

    Many people will say “The Rocky Saga” is getting long winded, but I definitely have to disagree. My family and I have enjoyed every film. I do have a question. How much do you see yourself in the Rocky Balboa character? Boxing vs. Acting for instance.

  7. Rocky Balboa is truly immortal. I was worried after watching Rocky IV after Apollo died Rocky wanted to fight the Russian I seriously thought it was suicide but watching that war I saw my hero knock him out after thinking that Drago was going to kill Rocky well that I think that will probably be the best fight he ever has sorry I lost faith Sly. Now Sly is making a sixth one which is kinda well AWESOME!!! I have been waiting for Sly to make a sixth one I will see the sixth movie and love every bit of it. Sly you da man no matter how old you get you’ll always be AWESOME!!! and I’ll be watching that movie knowing you’ll kick that mason dick or whatever his name’s ass. Sly you rule you’ll always rule. Just one question Where’s Adrian cause I mean honostly without her dude you’d still be all depressed about Mickey and his death Oh No you didn’t kill Adrian off did ya. oh well at least you still got Paulie. I just want ya to know that I’ll always be in your corner I’ll alway’s fight with ya and I’ll always watch your back Sly since Adrians gone you’ve got your 100% support right here peace out Sly. walters,Mitchell from Clarinda,Iowa.

  8. Man, another Rocky movie that’s awesome. Just one question?? Why didn’t you bring in Mr. T for the movie. I mean he was one of the toughest fighters ever. Apollo’s dead, the Russian got smashed, but Clubber Lang beat Rocko. Mr. T has that new show now. You should have put him in the movie maybe as the trainer for Mason or something. That would have been cool

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