Always in His Corner

Paulie [BURT YOUNG] tries to offer Rocky [SYLVESTER STALLONE] sage advice in between rounds when the final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise hits theatres on December 20, 2006. Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.
-Craig Zablo

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Photo by: John Bramley

2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., Columbia Pictures Industries Inc., and Revolution Studios Distribution Company, LLC

And now as an added bonus, some interview questions and answers from Sly!

QUESTION: Can you talk about the legacy of “Rocky” and the influence it’s had.

SYLVESTER STALLONE: Well, you know, the legacy… I never thought would ever end up being a legacy. But I guess what has come out of it is that it’s a pretty universal dream to, to try to rise up and take your best shot at life. And you may not totally be successful but at least you made an out, you’ve had the chance. You’ve had the opportunity and I think that’s the biggest frustration a lot of people have in their own lives is never getting a shot, you know.

102 Replies to “Always in His Corner”

  1. It has been great to find that many people around the world, and Fans, feel and have felt the same way about the Rocky message and Saga as I have and still do. Finding the blog site helped me to discover that I am not alone, but that millions have and will continue to appreciate the ROCKY message. 53 here and still battling cystic fibrosis. God and Dr. Robert Mckey have been the life savers. God being number one of course in all aspects of my life. But a godsend to strengthen my reslove to conitune fighting and never give-up has been the ROCKY MESSAGE! Thank you Sylvester Stallone.

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