“Rocky Balboa” Trading Cards and Early Showing Info

I  first  met  Miguel  Insignares a few years ago at a comic book convention. He was promoting work that he’d done for the “Dawn of the Dead remake. Miguel was very approachable and cool. So when I found out  that  Miguel was behind the “Rocky” limited edition card set, I was thrilled. I knew they’d picked the right guy for the job. I just received an e-mail from Miguel and SZoners are going to love this… especially if they live within driving distance of Tampa.

Hello Craig,

Hope all is well. We are very excited about our upcoming Rocky Balboa trading cards and to celebrate we want  to invite  you  and  fellow StalloneZoners to a FREE Rocky Balboa Sneak Preview Wednesday, Dec. 13th  at  7:30PM  in  Tampa!! They MUST call our satellite office 813-832-1717 to reserve their free passes! (This  is  a  limited  time  offer and available while they last, one two-person ticket per call.) Tickets will be available for pick-up beginning Monday, December 11th at 9 AM.

In  addition,  we  will  have a look-alike contest!! — Come dressed up as ANY Rocky character from any of the movies and you will be eligible for cool prizes!!

Check out our website www.mig.biz, register for our newsletter, and call for more info!

Hope to see you all there!

-Miguel A. Insignares

Click on the photo above for easier reading!  Thanks to Miguel for the update! I can’t wait to see the cards! – Craig