Sly as Rocky

On July 1, 2011, Who2 posted a piece titled, “From the Movie Archives: Vincent Camby Slams ‘Rocky'”.  The piece then quotes Camby who said…

  • Mr. Stallone’s Rocky is less a performance than an impersonation. It’s all superficial mannerisms and movements, reminding me of Rodney Dangerfield doing a nightclub monologue… Throughout the movie we are asked to believe that his Rocky is compassionate, interesting, even heroic, though the character we see is simply an unconvincing actor imitating a lug.

The article goes on to say that Roger Ebert compared Sly’s performance in “Rocky” to that of a “young Marlon Brando” and that “Sylvester Stallone got the last laugh, in any case: Rocky won the Oscar for Best Picture, and Stallone was nominated as Best Actor.”

You can read the whole piece and see a Rocky photo gallery by clicking over to the original article.