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The Tampa Comic Book and Toy Convention
Saturday, April 9, 2005 3:37 PM

Next weekend my son, Mike and I [along with my buddies John Beatty, John Higashi, James Howell] will be heading down to the Tampa Comic Book and Toy Convention.

If you're a regular ZONE reader, you've heard me talk up the Tampa show many times before. It's always a blast. Tim Gordon puts on three a year and we try to hit 'em all. The cool thing is that as the show continues to grow, but retains that small convention feel.

The guests for next Sunday include DC Comics' Ethan Van Scriver, Nick Cuti, Mark and Stephanie Heike, Dick Kulpa, Derrick Fish, Shannon Chenoweth, Brandon McKinney and Johnny Atomic.

The Tampa Indie Film Fest wil screen films throughout the day. Cult Horror film fan favorite [try saying that three times fast] Actor/Director/Writer Joel D. Wynkoop, and Gary Wood will be on hand to discuss their films. The ever-popular costume contest will also be on tap -- so remember to bring your camera!

The show runs from 10 am to 4pm. I'll be wearing a StalloneZone t-shirt, so please come up and say, "Hi!"

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Odds Against Tomorrow
Friday, April 8, 2005 10:52 PM

Odds Against Tomorrow is the story of three very different men who come together because of the one thing that that they have in common - a desparate need for enough quick cash to risk everything by robbing a bank.

Burke [Ed Begley] is an ex-cop who has the plan. Slater [Robert Ryan] is the racist ex-con with the stones to back the play. Johnny Ingram (Harry Belafonte) is the African-American needed to get the bank door opened.

Odds Against Tomorrow has been called the last American noir and while that's debatable, it does have all of the elements of the genre. The direction by Robert Wise [based on a novel by William P. McGivern who also wrote The Big Heat] is straight-forward and at times almost feels like a documentary. The score by the Modern Jazz Quartet definitely is a plus and adds to the film's atmosphere.

Ryan, Belafonte and Begley are exceptional in their roles. Belefonte just oozes cool. Ryan is, of course, great in his role of the tough ex-con. In fact my favorite scene involves Ryan trying to have a quiet drink in a bar only to be challenged by a "tough" young soldier [played by Wayne Rogers].

Since this is a heist film made in 1959, things don't go as planned. Slater's a racist and Ingraham's black, so you know that there's going to be some friction... and an explosive finale.

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A Movie That Should be Remade
Tuesday, April 5, 2005 4:09 PM

It was announced today that Race with the Devil will be remade... well, updated actually.

Race with the Devil was a 1975 horror flick. Peter Fonda, Loretta Swit, Warren Oates and Lara Parker played two couples on a wilderness vacation in their RV who accidently witness a satanic sacrifice! They escape and return with the local authorities, but no evidence of the sacrifice or cult can be found. The couple leave town only to find the satanists are stalking them at every turn.

I saw Race with the Devil when it was originally released and I loved it. It was exciting, scary and full of action. I thought about it quite a bit over the years when we got on the topic of horror movies. Not too long ago I had the chance to see it again again.

Man, was I disappointed. The movie still is based on a cool idea and does have some exciting scenes. But it just didn't live up to my memories. It was as if someone had gone back and toned it down... less action, less suspense, and less horror.

That's why I'm glad the it's being remade. Maybe the new Race with the Devil will live up to my old memories.

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April Fool's Day and Sin City
Friday, April 1, 2005 6:45 PM

April 1st. April Fool's Day. Bah!

April 1st has always been my least favorite day
of the year. Heck, I prefer April 15th over April 1st!
I don't mind paying taxes, but I sure hate April Fool's jokes.

Everyone wants to be a comedian. You're pants are unzipped. Har-dee-har. You dropped a dollar. Hooo-boy! Even some web sites get in on the fun by posting April Fool's "news" items. Ain't that a hoot?

Not really.

Well, this April 1st is different. Why, you ask? [And I thank you for asking.]

Because Sin City opened today. I was able to catch the first showing and it lived up to all of my expectations [which were high].

Many comic fans love to debate. They'll argue about who's the best artist or best writer; they'll argue about storylines. They'll even argue about who would win in a fight or race between characters. And quite often they'll argue about which comic became the best movie. Well friends, the days of THAT debate are over.

You see, Sin City is without a doubt the best translation of a comic story into a movie ever made. You may argue that you like a different "comic" movie better, but NO movie made from a comic has even been truer to the source material.

If you're a fan of Frank Miller's Sin City comics, then I'm preaching to the choir. If you don't like the Sin City yarns, then avoid the movie. And if you've never read the comics, then do a bit of research [there's nudity and stylized violence] before you make your decision. Keep in mind that the violence is more intense on the big screen than it appears on the comic page.

As for me, I absolutely loved Sin City.

Mickey Rourke is amazing [PERFECT!] as Marv. But then again, Rosario Dawson, Jessica Alba, Benicio Del Toro, Michael Clarke Duncan, Brittany Murphy, Devon Aokia, Alexis Bledel, and Elijah Wood are also perfectly cast.

Bruce Willis, although a bit young [Clint Eastwood would have been perfect ten years ago], and Clive Owen are absolutely right for their roles as well.

It was also great seeing Rutger Hauer, Powers Boothe, and Frank Miller in smal but important roles. I also have to give a special nod to Nicky Katt for his very brief but memorable part.

I posted earlier how much I love the Sin City soundtrack, but it's so good that it's worth repeating... so let me:I loved the Sin City soundtrack.

I can't wait to see Sin City again on the big screen... and you just know that I'll be counting down the days to the dvd.

And believe me, I'm not fooling.

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A Cool Cover - A Cool Series
Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:36 PM

Isn't that cover just the coolest? [Click on the image for a larger version and you'll get a better idea of just how cool it is.]

John Bolton is the artist who painted it for the cover of ESPers 2 which was published way back in 1986. ESPers was created by James Hudnall [who was also the series writer] and drawn by David Lloyd [and later John M. Burns]. It was a cool series about a group of people with exceptional psychic abilities who are recruited to help a woman rescue her kidnapped father from terrorists. [Man, was Hudnall ahead of his time!]

You can probably find the original issues at your local comics shop or get the trade paperback by clicking HERE.

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April Fool's Day
and Sin City
A Cool Cover -
A Cool Series
24: A Twist So
Unexpected is Coming
American Idol:
Jessica Sierra Gone
A Change is Coming
Sin City
Free Sneak Peek
Sin City DVD
Mr. T Gets His
Own Comic Book
Either Way,
A Very Good Actor

Frank Miller's
Ultimate Experience

Don't Come Calling
on Tuesday

Diesel Pacifies
w/ 2 Projects

Your Way

Even More...
Sin City Coolness

The Truce Has Ended...
More Sin City Coolness

Debra Hill
Died Today


More Sin City


Desperado - Talented Folks & Exciting Projects

Every Time
I Talk to Liston

Sin City Website
Goes L I V E

Steve Niles is Talking
30 Days of Night

Is This the Next
Pulp Fiction?

New War of the Worlds
Teaser Kicks Butt

More Sin City

What's New
With Newell?

Love It or Hate It
I Think It's Cool

Christopher Mill's
Atomic Pulp

Groban and Botti:

Sin City: The Making
of the Movie!

Who Is
On First?

The [Not So]
Fantastic Four

Dishonest but
Not Stupid

Do You Like
Monsters, Kid?

3 * 2 *

Spies, Vixens and
Masters of Kung Fu!

Jack is

Sin City Character

A Last Look

Anyone Going to

Sin City Trailer
[in Quicktime]

Cinderella Man -
Bad Title, Good Movie

Hostage -
Two Great Rides?

The Trombone