“Lords of Flatbush Stallone” by Chris Lopez

Chris Lopez is a very talented artist who runs SpaceBop.com. BigBeatty and I were enjoying his intro toon and artwork… and we got to talking about how cool it would be if Chris did some Sly art for the STALLONEZONE.

One day later the piece above and the explanation below appeared in my e-mail:

The Lords of Flatbush is one of my favorite flicks. It’s up there with The Wanderers. So I figured I’d do one of Stanley. I loved the scene with him in the pigeon coop, or when he goes to buy the engagement ring and gets pressured into buying the more expensive one. Oh yeah, swinging around 2 football helmets!!! Classic stuff.
So anyway, here it is. I hope you like it. I really had fun doing it. I tried not to fall back on the stereotypical Sly caricature features (eyes, lip) and give him a more realistic approach.”

Ya gotta love it!

Check out Chris’ work at Spacebop, and be sure to tell him we sent ya! Special thanks to BigBeatty for the set-up and Chris for the slam-dunk! (Craig Zablo September 3, 2001)