Sly’s Bike

I received the pic above and the following e-mail from KleinSly’s motorcycle and
Rocky stuff can be found at the Celebrity Hotel in downtown Deadwood, South Dakota.
The bike has been there for some 14 years now.

You can also see:

Clint Eastwood‘s Trans Am from Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, his gun from Dirty Harry,
his rifle from The Outlaw Josey Wales, his rifle both him and Morgan Freeman used in
Unforgiven and even his outfit he wore in Joe Kidd, they also have the batmobile from
Batman Returns, Peter Fonda‘s Harley from Easy RiderJohn Wayne stuff, the car
from Smokey and the BanditArnold‘s leather coat from T-2 and much more…

We look forward to more pics of the Rocky props! – Craig