Sage Stallone, Sly‘s oldest son, and a talented actor, writer and director in his own right, recently checked in with some photos that he thought SZoners might enjoy. They were taken by his mother, Sasha Stallone.
Sasha, Sly‘s first wife, is an accomplished photographer. Many fans will know her from her photos of Sly which appeared in books, magazines and even posters back in the day.
This is a shot of Sly and Rocky producer, Irwin Winkler, taken in 1976.
Sage writes that this photo was taken by Sasha on the streets of New York City before Rocky!
Sage writes that this photo was taken “way before Rocky… dad was writing “Poe”… and posing as Poe!”
Sage goes on to say, “Mom tells me this was taken at Bloomingdales in ‘71!
I want to thank Sasha Stallone for allowing us access to the rare photographs from her personal collection. Most fans know that Sasha was Sly’s first wife and the mother of his two sons, Sage and Seargeoh. Sasha and Sly were together years before “Rocky” made him an international superstar.
Sly has always credited Sasha with being totally supportive in his quest to make it as actor / writer / director. Not only did Sasha type his scripts, but when they were nearly broke and she was pregnant with Sage, Sasha totally supported Sly‘s decision to turn down hundreds of thousands of dollars to sell the “Rocky” script and let someone else take the starring role.
Sasha‘s photographs have appeared in national magazines, books, and posters. Sasha occasionally acts. She most recently took a role in Sage‘s film “Vic” where she also served as set photographer.
I want to thank Sage Stallone for allowing us access to the rare photographs from his family’s personal collection.
Most fans know Sage as Sly‘s real-life son or as Rocky‘s kid from “Rocky V.” What many people forget is “Rocky V” was released 16 years ago! Sage is now a young man, about the age that Sly was when he made “Rocky.” In addition to acting, Sage is also a writer, director and co-founder of Grindhouse Releasing. His short film “Vic” will be on the festival circuit this year. I’m hoping to interview Sage in the near future, so if you have any questions you’d like to throw his way, e-mail me and you may get your answers! I’ll also keep SZoners updated on which festivals Sage will be attending so that we can go out and support his efforts. Thanks again to Sage and Sasha Stallone! – Craig |