Bill Pruitt’s Meeting with Sly

SZoner, Bill Pruitt, pictured above with Sly sent in this photos and a really cool report of his most recent meeting with Sly.

Hi Craig,

You posted on the StalloneZone about Sly meeting with Danny DeVito last Wednesday night.  What happened afterward was a great experience for me.
I was painting at Universal Citywalk in the spot I’m always at which is right across from the Bucca di Beppo restaurant [where Sly met with Danny Devito].   I had heard beforehand that Sly was gonna be there.  I saw him go in and then when he was coming out about 2 hours later, I got his attention and asked him to come over to see my “Rambo” painting.   Sly had seen it in “Majestic Living” magazine, but had never seen the original.   Sly went under the ropes and walked over with me to see it up close on the easel.
I have been working on it, doing changes in the bow and arrow scene with a couple of weeks work left.   Sly liked it and asked me the price.   I told him and to my surprise, he said “you got a deal” and purchased it on the spot, giving me a down payment right there.
It was funny, I asked him to find his name SLY in it and he looked for about 3 seconds and wanted me to show him.   He thought the background explosion should be bigger and higher  [and I agree] so I will do that.   Sly said the explosion was symbolic of Rambo himself meaning he’s on the verge of exploding with all his pent up anger.   He was also referring to his own Rambo painting he did that had that expression/feeling in it.   It was also funny, I pointed out the Burmese soldier that is closest in the painting was the likeness of the one Rambo decapitates on the Jeep.   He said he has that head at home and whenever he sees it it scares him.   Sly said he also has the wooden cross bracelet from Rambo when I pointed that out in the painting.   He referred to his weight in Rambo and said he’ll never be that heavy again.
I told him I wanted to make sure the painting is completed before he leaves for “The Expendables” and surprisingly he said that won’t happen til July or August.  I also showed him my “First Blood” (with mountain in background) original painting.   He was interested in it as well, but said he’ll think about that one.   Regarding the painting he just purchased, I will either contact Sly or he or his business partner Kevin will contact me soon.  Also, thanks to Kevin for taking the photos.   By the way, I told Sly these photos are for the StalloneZone.   He liked that and said “great!”
Although a crowd was gathering (there were fans, press people and security guards),  Sly was kind to take his time with me and my art.  In all, he was there about 10 minutes.  When Sly purchased my first painting in 1987 (when I was living in Missouri), that was a definite highlight and him choosing me to do the art for SLY magazine years later was a definite highlight.   I have to say what happened Wednesday night was the best. Thanks again Sly.

Thanks to Bill for sharing this cool story!