SZ Exclusive: Sly in Brazil

I received the e-mail below and these photos earlier this week from SZoner, Toni C.

  • Hello Craig!My name is Toni Coutinho (SZoner tonibalboa) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Congratulations for excellent work in StalloneZone!

    I’d like to share with all fans of Sly some pictures I took with the cast of The Expendables during filming. Ok, I know this happened in 2009, but I’m sure everyone will enjoy… I met Sylvester Stallone! Unbelievable!!

    I am a member of a group of fans called Sly Squad and I am a friend of Osmar Daou, a brazilian SZoner.  I have more new photos of Sly.

    Thanks for your attention!

    Toni Coutinho

Thanks to Toni for sharing these cool photos.  We look forward to seeing more in the future! – Craig

Sly Hurt During “Expendables” Filming

On January 6, 2010, posted an item with the following headline: “Sylvester Stallone Breaks His Neck Shotting Fight Scene in Veteran Action Heroes’ Movie”.  The report comes from an interview that Sly gave to FHM magazine.  In the interview Sly talked about how tough the shoot on “The Expendables” was, partly because of all the testosterone on the set.  Of course with Sly, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li and Randy Couture what else would you expect?  The DailyMail goes on to quote what Sly told FHM:

“Man, it was seven guys, kicking each other’s ass, one guy tougher than the next. No joke, our stunt guys were begging for mercy.

‘Actually, my fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I’m not joking.

‘I haven’t told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck.’

You can read the full DailyMail report here.

As you can imagine the Stallone injury story was picked up and ran all over the net.  Here are just a few of the places:

Sly Courtside

Actor Sylvester Stallone appears during an NBA basketball game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers in Los Angeles, Friday, Dec. 25, 2009.

(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Dave Wachter’s Cosmo

This week we have Dave Wachter’s take on Sly as Cosmo Carboni from “Paradise Alley”.  I’d never seen Dave’s art until this year at HeroesCon.  I immediately got on board for the sketch above.  Since then I’ve picked up two more small pieces from Dave.  He’s talented and very reasonably priced.  You can see more of Dave’s art at his site.  Plan to spend a while!

On the Set of “First Blood”

I received an e-mail from SZoner, Herve Attia, who has impressed fans with his talent and dedication to re-visiting all of the locations used in filming “First Blood”.  Here’s what Herve had to say:

Dear Craig,

“On The Set of First Blood Part 4 – VC Commander” has been released today.  It can be watched at this link.  This is probably the final installment. I guess we have covered all the relevant First Blood filming locations. It has been fun to make.

Thanks again Herve for sharing your talent with us.  Also a special thanks for making the StalloneZone a small part of the video!  Thanks also to Raven! – Craig