Sly Squad Scores!

SZoner, Osmar recently checked in with these photos and report:

Hi Craig,

First I would like to thank you very much for the post about me and my blog.

Second I would like to tell you how was the reunion of the Sly Squad Group.  In the first day, Saturday, we waited the whole day at the hotel and at around 6:30 PM, Sly arrived at the hotel Sofitel at Copacabana, RJSly Squad was there waiting for him … our group was very organized and we started to shout: Rocky, Rocky, Rocky …

He left the car smiling and he raised his arm exactly like he does in the film. It was great.  But at this moment, Copacabana was full of people that heard all that and came to see him.  Then a big mess started with many people pushing … still I could talk to him a bit.  Then, when I said that I came from an Amazonia area, 2.000 away just to see him, Sly said come in…  It was a great moment … It was a GREAT moment! I greeted him and gave him the picture of my fiancee with Stallone´s wax figure in Madame Tussads in London.

I tried to take pics with my camera but I was too nervous and they didn’t work but with the help of my friends from Sly Squad, they sent to me a few pics of me beside him.  Sly was a gentleman with his fans all the time even with the mess.
In the other days, we went to Mangaratiba to watch the filming.  We got many pictures and videos from the set … all them will be available next week on the blog ( ).I attached a few pictures:  StalloneandOsmar – Stallone and Me  // StalloneandOsmar2 – Stallone and Me // EdmundoOsmarEdinho – Edmundo ( – you made a post from his blog before. He is holding the picture of my fiancee) me // Edinho Maga, the sculptor – you know him) // Slywiththestatue – Edinho gave him the two statues (Rocky and Rambo)  // Sly squad – Part of the fan Club
Osmar Daou

Thanks to Osmar for sharing the photos.  More to come!  Be sure to check out his blog.