“The Expendables” Makes the Grade

On December 9, 2009, Canada.com posted a list of Ten Films for 2010.  It included the ten films that critic Jay Stone is most looking forward to seeing next year and included: “The Book of Eli”, “Shutter Island”, “Iron Man 2”, “Toy Story 3”, “The Expendables” and more.  Here’s what he had to say about “The Expendables”:

The Expendables: A bunch of mercenaries take on a job in South America, and if Stallone and company aren’t enough, it also features Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, and Arnold Schwarzenegger (hey, who’s managing the California budget overrun?) This could be a classic of its type, and if they weren’t all in such good shape, we’d be tempted to call it The Expandables. But we can’t. (Aug. 20)

You can read the full piece here.