STALLONEZONE EXCLUSIVE: SZoner, Joseph Vaglica’s “Philly Loves Rocky” Experience

\My name is Joseph Vaglica. I’m a big Rocky/Sylvester Stallone fan. I recently attended the “Philly Loves Rocky Week” celebration. Here’s my story…

I traveled to Philadelphia all the way from Edgewater, Florida. I couldn’t get the entire week off work so I decided to go for two days: Thursday for the Rocky and Adrian look alike contest and Friday for the statue rededication. There were some problems in my plans. In order to get Friday off I needed to find someone to cover my shift. I also was unsure if I wanted to spend the $360.00 it would cost to fly to Philly for only two days. I really needed a sign to tell me if I should go or not. While in the men’s shirt department at Target I saw the sign I was looking for! It was a shirt with Rocky on top of the steps of the art museum facing Philly wearing the outfit that I had planned on wearing in the look alike contest. I instantly had goosebumps.

I arrived in Philly at 10:00 Thursday morning and rented a car. I got to Love Park in my costume all ready to enter the look alike contest and discovered that the contest was already set and the five finalists were pre-selected (which was not explained in the article that I saw on the internet).

I was upset and discouraged. I told the organizers that I had just flown in from Florida. I guess I hit a nerve when I talked to a city representative because he began to spread my story to all the press. The contest officials felt bad and were also amazed at how dedicated I was to jump on a plane with such short notice. They decided to put me in the contest as an unofficial finalist! This was the best thing that could have happened because after the contest the city representative invited me to the press box on Friday for the Rocky statue Rededication! The catch was that I had to be dressed as Rocky. I excitedly agreed.

Than I started to walk back to the car as lots of people said I looked good. I walked passed a booth that had a raffle for the new Jakks Pacific limited edition Rocky action figure. The representative at the booth said that the outfit looked good and he invited me to a Rocky figure promotion! I went to the promotion dressed as Rocky and after it was over they gave me 4 of the limited edition action figures!

The next day was the statue rededication which didn’t start until 6:00. I walked around the art museum and met new friends (Joy, Mike, Steven, Abe, and John). About two hours before the rededication I had an interview with Channel 6 news. They also videoed me running up the stairs and jumping up and throwing punches at the top of the steps like Rocky. Then I had another interview inside the press area.

Finally Sly came down from top of the museum to the statue. It was unbelievable! I had never seen Sly in person and it was my goal to meet him. I have to admit that I was a little nervous videoing the ceremony . After the rededication I went to Sly’s party! I was able to get his autograph and Frank’s. I also got a picture with Frank.

What a great story! Your dedication paid off big time. Thanks for sharing! – Craig

StalloneZone Exclusive: Bill Pruitt’s Rocky & “The Contender’s” Peter Manfredo!

SZoner, Bill Pruitt checked in with the attached pics and this:

Hi Craig,

Here’s the new re-make of an old caricature I did. This oil on canvas is 30″x39″“SLY” is hidden somewhere in it as usual.

Also, enclosed is a pic from last weekend with Peter Manfredo who is in town with his dad. He is training with Freddie Roach for a fight on Oct. 14th in Providence, RI and will be aired on ESPN. Thanks a lot.

– Bill

As always, thanks to Bill for sharing his talents with us! Check out Bill’s web site with brand new art posted regularly! – Craig

Rocky: The Ultimate Guide

Here’s a StalloneZone Exclusive first look at a book that all Sly and Rocky fans will want to own – Rocky: The Ultimate Guide. Jam-packed with over 1,000 stills and digitally remastered photos bringing together moments from the original “Rocky” through the first five films as well as details on the final installment, “Rocky Balboa.”

To Pre-Order the Hardback click HERE

Paperback Orders can click HERE

– Craig

Bill Pruitt’s “Rocky Victory”

SZoner, Bill Pruitt checked in and here’s what he had to say:

Here’s a pic of this new 30″x48″ oil painting I did. Its a remake of one I did before with some changes. “SLY” is hidden in it somewhere as always. Will send you another new Rocky painting I did for next week. Thanks. – Bill

Great [as always] work Bill! I can’t wait to see what you have coming next week! SZoners, be sure to check out Bill’s updated site for even more of his work!  – Craig

With a Little Help From My Friends

It’s prefight time as Rocky [SYLVESTER STALLONE] spends a contemplative moment with an old friend before going to do battle with a much younger and more skilled opponent.
– Craig Zablo

The final round of the Academy Award ®-winning Rocky franchise hits theatres Friday, December 22, 2006. Written and directed by SYLVESTER STALLONE.

Photo by: John Bramley

StalloneZone Honored at New Action Movie Site

The StalloneZone was recently honored as the first featured site at Awsom 50: The On-Line Source for Action Movies. Here’s what they had to say about the SZ:

STALLONE ZONE – The #1 Sylvester Stallone Fan Site in the World! Now in its’ 10th year on-line, Craig Zablo’s quite excellent Sly Stallone site shows no signs of letting up. Quite simply this is the place to be for any self respecting Sly fan and is in all honesty far better than his official site.

High praise indeed!

As most SZoners know, the name Awsom 50 comes from the tag of Cobra‘s car. So you just KNOW that the webmaster must be a huge Stallone fan! This is definitely a site to watch!

– Craig