Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week:

“Cliffhanger” and Extreme Ghana Movie Poster Art!

I like this Cliffhanger poster art way more than I should.  For some reason it works for me despite Sly’s wonky left arm and hand, his right hand showing only three fingers and a thumb and the likeness being close, but no cigar.  Heck, they even made Cliffhanger into two words.  Yet, I still like the overall effect of the poster.

If you’re wondering, the poster was used to promote Cliffhanger in Ghana.  The posters were painted on cloth and, – well, let’s have Sly Stallone explain.  Before you click on the video of Sly, thanks to  “Bobby Klump” for the post on my StalloneZone forum of the Ghana Cliffhanger and other movie posters.  Thanks also to “Foodfather” (also a SZoner) for finding and sharing the Stallone video explaining the poster.  Finally, if you want to know more about Ghana movie posters – check out Extreme Canvas: Hand-Painted Movie Posters from Ghana.

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week:

Steve Cascella’s Collection and Rocky Balboa Collectors Group!

Steve Cascella is a huge Rocky fan and a long-time SZoner.  Steve also runs a very cool Facebook group called Rocky Balboa Collectors!  In the group Stallone fans share photos of their Rocky collectables.  It’s fun to see the different items and displays.  The photos in this post come from Steve’s collection.

It’s cool to see the custom cut frames as well as the autographed Rocky boxing trunks on display.

The autographed Rocky poster would be a welcome addition to any collection.  I’m also a big fan of the Rocky statues!

There are some rare items in these photos — check out the Rocky pinball machine and the Mighty Mick’s poster!

Having multiple copies and different editions make Steve’s collection complete.

Action figures, replica costumes, collector cards and glasses!

Thanks to Steve for sharing photos from his excellent collection.  Also be sure to check out Rocky Balboa Collectors! – Craig