On June 1, 2013, the Daily Mail posted, Shedding his Tough Guy Exterior: Sylvester Stallone Takes Daughters to Lunch with his The Expendables 3 Co-Star Mickey Rourke. – Craig
The #1 Sylvester Stallone Fan Site in the World!
On June 1, 2013, the Daily Mail posted, Shedding his Tough Guy Exterior: Sylvester Stallone Takes Daughters to Lunch with his The Expendables 3 Co-Star Mickey Rourke. – Craig
This week’s news about Expendables 3…
This week Sly’s tweet about Steven Seagal in Expendables 3 was a top story…
As you can see, Sly sent out several tweets about Expendables 3 this week. As you can imagine, this made for interesting news items…
Earlier this week Sly sent out a tweet that read: “Antonio B. …? Could be.”
This, of course, led to speculation that Banderas could show up in Expendables 3.
Screen Crush weighs in on the idea. As for me, I’m for it. – Craig
Earlier this week Sly announced his choice for Expendables 3. Patrick Hughes is an Australian director best known for his film Red Hill. – Craig
Last night Sly sent out a series of tweets (seen above) that puts to rest the speculation on Mel Gibson (or John Woo) as the director of Expendables 3.
According to Sly, he found an EXCITING director… a young lion who Sly believes can help make Expendables 3 top Rambo as a pure action film.
Awesome. Can’t wait to hear who it is.
Sly’s tweet asking…
“…what about Mel Gibson directing EXPENDABLES 3? Opinions anyone ? Curious…..”
… continues to be big news…
It continues to be big news that Sly would like to see Wesley Snipes become Expendable in the team’s third outing.
Earlier this week Sly sent out a tweet asking…
“…what about Mel Gibson directing EXPENDABLES 3? Opinions anyone ? Curious…..”