Jemio’s "Rocky Pensive"

SZoner, Gerardo Jemio sent us a photo of his latest Stallone drawing which he calls “Rocky Pensive.” It was created with black and white crayons on craft paper. Beautiful work!

You can see more of Gerardo’s work here [including another Rocky drawing]. Gerardo said that he plans to create some Rambo drawings in the near future. I look forward to posting them for all to see! – Craig

Rambo’s Back & HCG Has Him!

In March of this year I posted about a Brasilian sculptor and a Stallone fan named Edinho. Edinho had sent in photos of a Rambo sculpture that he did that was simply amazing. You can see for yourself by clicking HERE.

Shortly after the post appeared I was contacted by Mark at Hollywood Collectibles Group. Mark felt the sculpture was good enough for them to produce. I put Mark in contact with Edinho and the rest as they say, is history.

I’m happy to report that the Hollywood Collectibles Group will be producing a limited edition run of 500 pieces of Edinho’s sculpture. I’m also happy to report that Mark is working on a deal for SZoners to get a discount on purchases through the SZ! More news on the statue will be posted as it becomes available!

Congrats to both Mark and Edinho for making it happen! – Craig

Rambo’s Back & HCG Has Him!

In March of this year I posted about a Brasilian sculptor and a Stallone fan named Edinho. Edinho had sent in photos of a Rambo sculpture that he did that was simply amazing. You can see for yourself by clicking HERE.

Shortly after the post appeared I was contacted by Mark at Hollywood Collectibles Group. Mark felt the sculpture was good enough for them to produce. I put Mark in contact with Edinho and the rest as they say, is history.

I’m happy to report that the Hollywood Collectibles Group will be producing a limited edition run of 500 pieces of Edinho’s sculpture. I’m also happy to report that Mark is working on a deal for SZoners to get a discount on purchases through the SZ! More news on the statue will be posted as it becomes available!

Congrats to both Mark and Edinho for making it happen! – Craig

Rambo’s Back & HCG Has Him!

In March of this year I posted about a Brasilian sculptor and a Stallone fan named Edinho. Edinho had sent in photos of a Rambo sculpture that he did that was simply amazing. You can see for yourself by clicking HERE.

Shortly after the post appeared I was contacted by Mark at Hollywood Collectibles Group. Mark felt the sculpture was good enough for them to produce. I put Mark in contact with Edinho and the rest as they say, is history.

I’m happy to report that the Hollywood Collectibles Group will be producing a limited edition run of 500 pieces of Edinho’s sculpture. I’m also happy to report that Mark is working on a deal for SZoners to get a discount on purchases through the SZ! More news on the statue will be posted as it becomes available!

Congrats to both Mark and Edinho for making it happen! – Craig

Just Another Gear in the Machine

Hey Craig,

You know that we would all want to see this one! I just whipped this up for fun. I thought that you would get a kick out of it. You have to admit, it would be SWEET! Keep up the awesome work Craig. I love the site and visit it daily.

Mark Dambach
Hey Mark! Thanks for the kind words about the SZ and for sharing your talent! – Craig

Sly Fan Art


This portrait is an oil on canvas, 48″ x 48″. It was motivated by my seeing an interview with Sly on TV, in which he lamented the fact that people only related him to his screen action personna, and he mentioned things about himself that most fans are unaware of, so…..I decided to create an image of him surrounded by those things that are important to his life, specifically: he’s a writer and there are actual pages from the first Rocky script as a collage; books emphasizing that he is an avid reader of important literature; the easel, an artist; and of course, his action persona images. I am incidentally a custom oil portraitist who likes to change gears occasionally.
Allan Dordick
Thanks for sharing your talent! – Craig