Jazz D-Toxes Again

SZoner, Ernest Resendes has been spending so much time working on independent movies [doing everything from creating sets, to writing, acting, and music] that he hasn’t had as much time to draw. Jazz did find the time to add some color to a piece he did a few years ago and we love the results. Thanks to Jazzman for sharing! – Craig

UK Fan Art

Jon McKenzie wrote in to say:


Just checked out your site (StalloneZone). Very well laid out and interesting to read through. Added to my favourites. Well done on all the work you’ve put into it, best fan site I’ve come across.

I’ve been a big fan of Stallone and his films ever since I was a kid and thought that the new Rambo movie was probably his best bar Rocky 1.

I also noticed you have fan work on your site and thought you might like a look at some of the work I’ve done previously on Stallone.

There is more of my work on my site www.jonmckenzieart.co.uk

I look forward to hearing from you and would really appreciate some feedback on the work.

Thank you.


Jon has quite a bit of art on display at his site [including a Rambo piece.] Thanks to Jon for the kind words and for sharing his talents with us! – Craig

Sly, Arnold and Atula

Atula Siriwardane is an extremely talented artist from Sri Lanka. He recently e-mailed to say:

I like your blog and Sly is one of my all time favorite Action stars..I drew him with Arnold long back… You may like this… If you do you may post it. I like Sly’s fans wathing it… Some may enjoy…

I’m sure everyone is enjoys Atula’s work. If you’d like to see more of Atula’s amazing art, then click here. Thanks to Atula for sharing! – Craig

Fan Art

Hi Craig,
I’m sending you paintings that I’ve painted last year. I’m a StalloneZone fan since the beginning and also a huge Stallone fan . It’s gonna be an extreme honor for me to see my paintings posted on your website. Thank you very much.
Cheers! from Canada.
Francis Bourque
I’ll send you a picture of my Rocky statue soon.

Thanks for sharing the art! I’ll post your statue photo once it arrives! – Craig

Edhino’s Rambo

Edinho is an amazing Brasilian sculptor and a Stallone fan. You can see by looking at these shots of his Rambo sculpture just how talented he is. Look HERE and you can see much more of Edinho’s work. Plan to spend some time when you click over because he’s THAT talented! Thanks to Edinho for sharing! – Craig

Bill Pruitt Rambo Painting

Hi Craig,

Here is my painting I wanted to send in full and with closeups. The 27″x40″ painting was designed as a movie poster for “Rambo”. I did all the graphics over the artwork in photoshop. As always “SLY” is hidden somewhere in the piece.


Bill Pruitt

Bill also sent in the photo above of Peter Manfredo with Bill! Thanks to Bill for sharing. – Craig