The Top Ten Sylvester Stallone Movies

On July 5, 2014, The Celebrity Cafe, posted their choices for The Top Ten Sylvester Stallone Movies.   Click over for full details, but for the record their choices were…
  1. Rocky
  2. Assassins
  3. Demolition Man
  4. The Expendables
  5. Rocky IV
  6. Rocky V
  7. Rocky Balboa
  8. Grudge Match
  9. Oscar
  10. Expendables 2
It’s their list, but how could you not include at least one of the Rambo movies or Cop Land or Nighthawks… and Rocky didn’t make the cut??

LotofSly Autograph: John Landis

That’s an autographed mini-poster for “Oscar” starring Sly Stallone. It’s autographed by John Landis, the director of, the very under-rated “Oscar” and so many other fan favorite films.

My pal, Alex surprised me with a package containing it and several other Stallone-related autographs that I’m going to post on the SZ over the coming weeks. Alex, as you’ve probably guessed is also known as LotofSly on the SZ message boards where he also serves as one of our moderators [and now has his own section Me &…]. Alex has met more celebrities than anyone else I know, and he somehow always manages to get photos with them. That’s in addition to being an all-around nice guy… and as nice as Alex is THAT has to be a full time job!

“Rocky” One of the ‘Best of the Best’

The February 23, 2001 issue of Entertainment Weekly has an article titled “The Best of the Best” in which EW ranks the 72 Best Picture Oscar winners. Here’s what they had to say about Rocky:

43 ROCKY 1976

Directed by JOHN G. ALVIDSEN Starring SYLVESTER STALLONE, TALIA SHIRE Nominations 9 Wins 3 Stiffest Competition Taxi Driver, Network

A likable triumph-of-the-underdog tale, but why this boxing fable and not SCORSESE‘s Raging Bull four years later?

Let me begin by pointing out a small error… did you catch it? The listing says that “Rocky” was nominated for 9 Oscars but the right number is 10! I’ve already e-mailed them about the error – so let’s talk about the article…

Articles like these are written to encourage discussion about the subjective rankings of personal favorites. So let me say that, personally, I feel that “Rocky” should be in the Top 10 and without a doubt the Top 20 — I am happy to see that the editors of the piece ranked “Rocky” higher than many past winners [even if they didn’t “get it exactly right.”].

Craig Zablo