Steve Cascella’s Collection and Rocky Balboa Collectors Group!

Steve Cascella is a huge Rocky fan and a long-time SZoner.  Steve also runs a very cool Facebook group called Rocky Balboa Collectors!  In the group Stallone fans share photos of their Rocky collectables.  It’s fun to see the different items and displays.  The photos in this post come from Steve’s collection.

It’s cool to see the custom cut frames as well as the autographed Rocky boxing trunks on display.

The autographed Rocky poster would be a welcome addition to any collection.  I’m also a big fan of the Rocky statues!

There are some rare items in these photos — check out the Rocky pinball machine and the Mighty Mick’s poster!

Having multiple copies and different editions make Steve’s collection complete.

Action figures, replica costumes, collector cards and glasses!

Thanks to Steve for sharing photos from his excellent collection.  Also be sure to check out Rocky Balboa Collectors! – Craig

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week:

Want to See the Original Cut of Sly Stallone’s “Cobra”?

                 Cobra poster by Salvador Anguiano

Would you like to see the original cut of Sly Stallone’s Cobra?  J​.​D. Harlock would and he’s started a petition to get it.

Many Stallone fans know that there was initially a much longer and more violent version of Cobra than the one that ended up being released.  Click over to J.D. Harlock’s RELEASE THE X CUT OF STALLONE’S COBRA to get the full details and if you’re so inclined, sign the petition.

I’m not usually one for petitions, but if we can get another version of Cobra, then deal me in.

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week:

LeRoy Neiman’s Rarely Seen “Rocky” Movie Art!

Mike Kunda is a super Rocky fan, the #1 Rocky impersonator in the world and the owner of the Yo Philly! Rocky Film Tour.  Recently Mike posted several seldom seen LeRoy Neiman sketches from behind the scenes filming of Rocky movies.  They were too good not to share.

LeRoy Neiman is considered the most famous sports artist in the world.  His painting of Rocky used in Rocky III is without a doubt his most famous Rocky art, but it isn’t the only Rocky art Neiman created.  In addition, to finished paintings, Neiman created preliminary sketches like the ones above of Drago slugging Rocky and Rocky in a defensive stance.

I love this sketch that Neiman labeled, Face Hit Two, Rocky II, c. 1980.  It was created using felt pen, acrylic, ink and pencil.

Neiman titled this Round XV, Rocky IV created in Vancouver, BC. May 1, 1985.

As you can see above, even the movie call sheet was material for a quick sketch of Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed!

LeRoy Neiman was always a dashing figure (and seldom seen without a cigar).  Here he is seen creating more prelim sketches for Rocky IV art.

The photo above was turned into a Neiman Rocky IV painting that is rarely seen!

I love the amount of details that appear in this loose LeRoy Neiman prelim that he labeled: Sylvester Stallone in Rocky IV, May 1, 1985.  felt, pen and acrylic on paper. 20 1/4 x 26 in.  51.4 x 66 cm.

Above is a Neiman sketch he titled, Sly, Rocky II, March 13, 1990.

Thanks again to Mike Kunda for sharing these finds. If you’d like to see more of LeRoy Neiman’s amazing artwork, please check out his official site.

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week: