There is currently an auction running on ebay.com for the original Sylvester Stallone art posted above. The original oil painting titled “Hero” by the internationally acclaimed, academy-award winning actor, Sylvester Stallone was painted as a tribute to the firemen ‘heroes” whose efforts contributed to saving lives involved in the September 11th tragedy as well as the firemen whose lives were sacrificed. This piece was painted specifically for a charity event that raised money for the Sept. 11 Fund. The painting is 4′ by 8’ and depicts a fireman (center in blue), a clock commemorating the time of day (6:10am PST) that he heard about the tragedy (the ‘o’ in hero in the upper left corner), the words “heven (sic) is closed” (right side in white) as well as other intricate remembrances of the tragedy that were poignant to him. His famous signature can be seen in blue in the lower right hand corner (and is reprinted below).

  • Craig Zablo
    (December 1, 2001)

“Rocky” Musical Coming and Maybe “Dolan’s Cadillac” Too!

Army Archerd, Daily Variety Senior Columnist, posted in his column:

“Rocky” steps into the ring again — this time on stage. SYLVESTER STALLONE heads to N.Y. next week to talk a musicalized version of the hit pix. He cowrote the book, would produce and oversee” the Broadway version. As for STALLONE’s film future, he says he’s re-interested in doing “Dolan’s Cadillac,” and will do it next year.

Sly Says, “Show Me the Money” or “I Thought it was Dropped”

From Dark Horizons

Dolan’s Cadillac: The New York Daily News seems to have found a reason for STALLONE’s departure from the project, and it ain’t the “non violence clause” excuse that emerged the other day – seems SLY “upped his money demands at the last minute” though the official word from his publicists is that the actor “thought the project had been dropped”. STACY TITLE [“The Last Supper”] is still attached to direct the film based on her script adaptation of the STEPHEN KING short story. Thanks to ‘AB King’.

Sly Departs “Dolan’s Cadillac”

From Dark Horizons –

Dolan’s Cadillac: The New York Daily News reports that SYLVESTER STALLONE is out of this short story turned movie thriller which was set to start shooting very soon and is based on the first tale from STEPHEN KING’s Nightmares & Dreamscapes anthology. The paper indicates that he may have left due to a new ‘non-violence’ policy SLY is adopting for his roles these days thus playing a violent gangster is kind of out of the question. KEVIN BACON is still set to play the teacher who gets revenge on the gangster who killed his wife by slowly burying him alive, though how much of a delay there will be due to SLY’s leaving remains unsure.

StalloneZone Exclusive: “Rambo IV” Fan Poster!

When ERNEST “Jazzman” RESENDES sent this to me, I immediately called my wife into the room and showed it to her.  She looked at the photo and said, “So it’s true, there will be a fourth Rambo. That’s a cool poster. Bet you can’t wait until next summer.”

When I told her that the movie was still rumor and the poster was created by Jazz for the SZ, she said, “Well if they do decide to make the movie they should use Jazzman’s poster.”

I couldn’t agree more!

– Craig Zablo
(November 18, 2001)

“D-TOX” Poster & Pic!

Has this been a good week or what?!?  A Dutch site called UIP Netherlands has posted these pictures and a few more from D-Tox!  The top pic is so moody and spooky… the poster works as well.     I’m dying to see this movie!

Thanks to René de Jong, webmaster of TheARNOLDFAN.com, Jeremy Bleroze, and Jackal1993 for the info!
 Craig Zablo (November 18, 2001)


On November 15th Dark Horizons ran the following item:

Rambo 4Over at StalloneZone, a radio report indicates “Cop Land” director James Mangold is on the top of Mirimax’s list to direct “Rambo 4” – a likely choice and here’s why: “After ‘Cop Land’ Miramx signed James Mangold to a four film contract. So far he’s done two. It was said that Harvey Weinstein was pleased with the teaming of Cop Land, and that he would love for Stallone and Mangold to work together again.” – Thanks to ABKing
(November 18, 2001)