Sly in Dolan’s Cadillac

The following e-mail arrived at the SZ today:

“Here is an article that was in the Hartford Courant:
You know all those stories about name talent in Hollywood being booked and double-booked into pre-strike movies – and how there are almost no stars of marquee value left with free space on their schedules?  Well, now we can tell you that even boxoffice-challenged SYLVESTER STALLONE is hurrying into a pre-strike project – and a promising one at that.

It’s “Dolan’s Cadillac,” a STEPHEN KING story in which STALLONE will play a Las Vegas kingpin who thinks he’s gotten away with murder, though the spouse of the victim has big revenge plans.

The CRUISE-WAGNER project [as in TOM CRUISE and PAULA WAGNER] is scheduled to start the last week of April in Mexico. That’s last minute for production and post-production, considering the strike could start June 30th.


Lilja’s Library – The World of Stephen King

Thanks to Lilja for her tip! – Craig Zablo [January 30, 2001]

Sly as Rambo… Hardened

N2Toys has announced that they are coming out with a line of action figures that they called “Hardened.” These figures will be based on characters from action movies and the first figure is going to be John Rambo!  The figure looks pretty good based on the preliminary artwork!  The second figure in the series is set to be the cop played by STEVEN SEGAL in “Above the Law.” Hopefully we will see other STALLONE figures in the near future — Cobra, anyone?

Thanks to Andrew and The ARNOLD FAN site for the tip!

Craig Zablo [January 27, 2001]



The long awaited DVD ROCKY SPECIAL EDITION BOX SET will finally be available on April 24th! The five disc set will list for $89.96 but is available |HERE| at a pre-order price of $59.98 which is a savings of $29.98 (33%)!
* 5-disc set that includes all of the Rocky films
* All of the films will contain new sound mixes
* All of the films will contain anamorphic transfers
* ROCKY will be a SPECIAL EDITION with:
– deleted scenes
– a documentary
– commentary track with SLY,
director John Alvidsen, and cast members
– an extensive still gallery
– a new 5.1 Dolby Digital Soundtrack
– and MORE!

– Craig Zablo (January 22, 2001)

Sly in the Hollywood Bowl

The January 29, 2001, issue of Us magazine features an item titled “Hollywood Bowl.” It features pictures of SLY, WARREN BEATTY, ROBIN WILLIAMS, GARTH BROOKS, NICK NOTLE, and a few other stars in the younger years suited up and ready to play some football!

Craig Zablo [January 20, 2001]

SZ Scores Second “Eye See You” Pic

The SZ has scored a second press pic from SLY‘S delayed film “Eye See You” [formerly known as “D-Tox” and “The Outpost”] .   Although the movie has been finished for well over a year, distribution has been scheduled and re-scheduled.   Word is that the film may be released later this year.  Thanks to someone who calls himself “No Burn Brogan.”

Craig Zablo

Stallone News for the Week

The picture above (minus the SZ tag, of course) appeared earlier in the week at DARK HORIZONS in an item about Warner Brothers’ 2001 movie line-up.

Entertainment Tonight’s website ran an item on Thursday saying that Sly and Jennifer co-hosted the opening of Downtown Disneyland in an event which benefited the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Sly also announced that his next movie will be a comedy. The picture above accompanied the item.

Earlier this week I received an e-mail from Simon Barber who is the new web master of Frank Stallone’s Official Website.

If you haven’t checked out Frank’s site in a while, you really should. Frank and Simon have updated and re-designed all areas (and have added more content as well)! You can find them at (they’ve moved from the old location) or by clicking |HERE|. Be sure and tell them the SZ sent ya!

[January 14, 2001] – Craig Zablo

Sly Pumps Up Residence

Christie sent in the following item which appeared in the Orlando Sentinel under “Celebrity Homes” by: Ruth Ryon of the LA Times.


SYLVESTER STALLONE has completed a two-year expansion of the newly built Beverly Hills-area home he bought in December 1998, for about $10 million.

Just in time for the holidays, STALLONE, who starred in the fall remake of the movie “Get Carter,” put some finishing touches on the home that he shares with his wife, model JENNIFER FLAVIN, and their two children.

Much of the work, including landscaping and improvements, is apparent even from a bird’s-eye view. The Italianstyle villa, on two-plus acres, was given an older, Tuscan look. The estate, behind bronze gates, also has a long driveway and grounds dotted with marble statues of lions, crocodiles and other creatures.

A colorful outdoor play gym with swings and slides has been installed for the children, and the grounds have been completed with a pool, two cabanas, expansive lawns and many trees, amount them redwoods and pines.

When STALLONE bought the house, it had five family bedrooms and two maid’s quarters in about 16,000 square feet, adding a library, more bedrooms and garages. STALLONE, 54, is know to have a passion for building and architecture.

STALLONE teams with BURT REYNOLDS in the sports action movie “Champs,”to be released in April, and he stars in the police thriller “D-Tox,” also due in the spring.

The picture above did not appear with the article. The fact that “D-Tox” is mentioned could be good news… unless it is based on old info (since it was not referred to as “Eye See You”). – Craig


Harry over at AICN has posted a review of Sly’s screenplay for “Driven.” The reviewer found that after reading the script he was “pleasantly surprised.” The reviewer also discusses Sly’s co-stars and director. To check out the full review, click |HERE|.|

Coming Attractions posted an update talking about the cool official site for Driven.

Over at they’ve posted some info from Renny Harlin about his colaboration with Sly on the film “Driven.” Click |HERE| to check out the full article.