Ernest “Jazzman” Resendes sent in the following “heads-up” on an extremely positive review of “Get Carter” which appears in the December 2000 issue of Impact magazine [from the UK]. The fact that the accolades come from a reviewer in the UK is especially pleasing, since many felt that “Get Carter” would be hammered there for even attempting to re-make the British crime-classic.
Here are some quotes from JOHN BIERLY‘s review:
“His role in Get Carter finds STALLONE in top form, both as an action star and an actor.”
“But while the original represents a superior piece of moviemaking, the remake tells a better story.”
“CAINE was the undisputed attraction of the original, but STALLONE is surrounded by equally talented players including a fierce MICKEY ROURKE as club-owning tough guy Cyrus Paice and a delightfully sniveling and smarmy ALAN CUMMING as computer magnate Jeremy Kinnear. MICHAEL CAINE even appears in a small role, fabulously playing a character that’s as far away from Carter as it gets.”
“A dazzling car chase and unbelievably tense showdowns between STALLONE and ROURKE provide excellent action.”
“STALLONE and COOK get the best out of not only each other but also their director. The nuances and poignancies of their scenes together allow each actor to, to quote Carter, “take it to another level.”
“Carter‘s quest for revenge provides the film’s heat; STALLONE and COOK, as Carter and Doreen, provide the heart.”
“STALLONE‘s performance in particular, a physical and emotional triumph, is solid throughout and often Oscar-worthy.”
“The relationship between Carter and Doreen as played by STALLONE and COOK saves the film from its own darkness, affording a welcome return for one of the genre’s greatest stars in a remake worthy of one of it’s greatest films.”
– Craig Zablo