When I learned that Kyle Holtz was taking on some mail order commissions, I just knew I had to try and get on his list. I was able to and Kyle agreed to give me his take on Sly as Jack Carter.
The first piece that Kyle created can be seen here. I think Kyle did an amazing job. I love everything about this piece. Unfortunately, it was lost in the mail. I have hope that it will eventually turn up. Thankfully, Kyle sent a scan before mailing the art. When Kyle learned that the piece never arrived, he agreed to redo it.
Knowing how much artists hate to redraw something, and because I thought Kyle totally nailed this piece, I asked if I could upgrade to a larger piece. Kyle agreed. So Kyle is going to create a new Jack Carter drawing. The upgrade piece is the one posted today. I absolutely love it.
If you’d like to see more of Kyle’s art, click on over to his Facebook page. I give Kyle the highest recommendation to folks that collect commissions.