Otis Frampton’s Jack Carter

Otis Frampton is an extremely talented artist who loves drawing for his fans. Every Sunday [okay, ALMOST, every Sunday], Otis has a live UStream broadcast that he calls the 7×7 Sunday.  Lucky fans can get a headsketch of ANY character drawn live by Otis on a 7X7 inch bristol board for 7 bucks postage paid.   It’s the best deal going.

I’ve been lucky enough to get four pieces from Otis and the Jack Carter shown above is just one of them.  I’ll be showing the rest in the coming weeks.  In the mean time, check out Otis’ Gallery.  Most likely, after seeing more of his work, I’ll be competing against you in Otis’ next 7×7 Sunday.

John Beatty’s Quick Carter

My buddy John Beatty recently did this quick sketch of Sly as Jack Carter.  Not too long ago John began doing a weekly Wednesday Night Sketch Session live on UStream.  These are full figure pieces and fans have the option of getting them with or without gray tones.  Here are a few of examples [with tones /without tones / and again with tones]. Fans get on his list, John let’s them know the date he’ll be doing their piece and they can tune in [along with others] and interact with John as he completes the art.  This has been going over so well, that John is booked through the end of the year.

In addition, John set aside a monthly time [usually a Saturday midday] that he goes live on UStream and does Ten Dollar Head Sketches.  Because these move at a much faster pace [usually 20 to 30 minutes] and the turnout is so great, I serve as co-host.   Here are two of my favorites – Captain America and Two-Face from the last session.

If you’re interested in getting in contact with John, just click here!

Bill Marimon’s Jack Carter

Bill Marimon provides his take on Sly as Jack Carter.  I’ve known Bill aka “The Raytrix”  for years.  He’s humble, funny, and a talented artist. Bill showed up on Saturday at Mini-MegaCon.  He wasn’t set up as a guest, but I was able to persuade him to do a couple of Stallone sketches.  This is the first.  I’ll post the second soon.  In the mean time check out Bill’s home on the web.  There’s plenty there to hold you over.

Matthew Warlick’s Jack Carter

Matthew Warlick is a studio mate of my buddy Evan Bryce Matthew is also freelance illustrator, art director and comic book artist based in Dallas, Texas.    Matthew contacted me to say that he’d been talking to Evan and wanted to work up a Stallone sketch for the SZ.  We exchanged a couple of e-mails and soon enough, Matthew sent in his very, very cool take on Jack Carter

How could it get any better than that, you ask?  And I’m glad you did because Matthew created a video of himself inking the piece.  I love the art and the video is the icing on the cake.  You can check it out here.  You can also see more of Matthew’s art at his website and artblog.

BIG THANKS to Matthew for sharing his talents and to Evan for talking up the SZ.  Hopefully we’ll see more from Matthew in the future!

Dan Panosian’s Jack Carter

Dan Panosian gifted me with this Jack Carter drawing at the recent FX ShowDan is a Stallone fan and decided on “Get Carter” with no prompting from me.  I love Dan’s work, so to get a piece from him was a thrill.  I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

Check out more of Dan’s art here and here.  Plan to spend some time, because everything he draws is worth a look!

Rourke Credits Sly

Mickey Rourke, who is flying high now with universally great reviews for his performance in “The Wrestler,” went through a long period when he couldn’t get movie work. In an interview with BlackBook.com, Rourke credits Sly with giving him a helping hand back into the business:

Stallone saw me in a restaurant eating one night, where I could hardly pay for my ******* spaghetti, and put me in Get Carter.”

You can read the whole Mickey Rourke interview here. – Craig