Sly on Kurt Russell & “The Expendables”

Hey SZoners,

Here’s the latest from Sly:

I know that many people on the site have asked for Kurt Russell. I asked for him too.  Actually, I was taken aback when asked to put the request in a letter and send it to his agent.  Subsequently, I was called back by the agent several days later after refusing to send a letter and he said Kurt Russell is not interested in ‘ensemble acting’ at this time.

So, People, I came, I saw, I failed.


Sly’s Letter to SZoners

I received the following e-mail from Sly who asked me to post it on the StalloneZone Message Board.  My response followed.


Dear Craig,

I appreciate the incredible amount of work you’ve done on my behalf. Please tell the loyal followers to be positive not negative in their feedback. I am not self-destructive. The anger of the casting of 50 Cent is understandable, but not fair. A player is only as good as his coach. If a man can communicate in one medium, he can communicate in another if his strengths are brought out and he has the support of well-wishers. So, trust me, the change of Forest Whitaker to 50 Cent AKA Curtis Jackson is a good one. No one thought Dolph Lundgren was a good choice for ROCKY or Mr. T. for Rocky III. Carl Weathers was an afterthought when Ken Norton fell out. The same with Talia Shire and Richard Crenna (who was known as a comedic actor, not a serious

Nobody wanted Eric Roberts over Ben Kingsley, but I believe it’s a vastly improved casting. The point is, you either believe in me and the project, setting your personal feelings aside, or you take a darker approach, which really serves no purpose since your insight and suggestions and overall enthusiasm are a great thrill for me to behold everyday I sign on.

Signing off –

Your friend,



The e-mail that started this thread is the first direct e-mail from Sly to SZoners. Sly makes some very valid points about the kneejerk reactions to the addition of Curtis Jackson aka 50 Cent to the cast of “The Expendables.”

Up to this point the buzz for “The Expendables” has been unbelievably positive.   Everyone wants to see it NOW.   The buzz has continued to grow with a whole new generation of fans brought in by “Rocky Balboa” and “Rambo” joining long time Stallone fans as well as fans of action movies.  It was Sly who was able to get this project up and running and it is Sly’s vision that continues to guide it.  For us to think that because one particular actor has left or another has joined the cast and that this loss/addition will ruin the film is plain silly.  Sly is still the guiding force behind the project.  What kind of message does it send to the casual fan that drops in to the SZ to read some of the negative stuff posted lately?

One thing Sly is known for is discovering and bringing the best out of new/raw talent.  Think of the actors/actresses that got their big breaks with Sly: Armand Assante, Mr. T, Dolph Lundgren, Hulk Hogan, Rutger Hauer, Sandra Bullock and others.  I can remember the negative comments some were throwing out when screen legend Kirk Douglas dropped out of “First Blood” and was replaced by Richard Crenna after filming had started.   Some of these folks had their best roles under Sly’s guidance. I expect that this streak will continue.

When people ask me what Sly SHOULD do next, I always answer whatever he wants.  I’m a fan and will trust his instincts and judgment.  Think of all the doubters who didn’t believe in “Rocky.” Some of the same folks had the same lack of faith in “Rocky Balboa” and then “Rambo.” Sly is on a roll. I can’t wait to see what he does with “The Expendables” no matter who ends up in it.



Ron Salas Rambo

I’m a Ron Salas fan.  He’s an extremely humble and talented artist.  I try to get something from him as often as possible.  He’d already done a Jack Carter and Rocky for me.  So when I saw Ron at MegaCon, I asked for a Rambo sketch.  Ron created my favorite piece from him so far!

You can check out Ron Salas’ work here and here.

Sly is a Triple Threat has an article about folks in Hollywood who are triple threats — you know, writer, director and actorSly finds himself in good company since he’s listed along with Woody Allen, Sean Penn, Mel Gibson and others.  Here’s what they had to say about Sly:

Sylvester Stallone
You wouldn’t know it from his action rep, or mumble mouth delivery, but Stallone is one of the most successful, and prolific Triple Threats in Hollywood history. From directing, writing, and starring in Rocky’s II, III, IV and Balboa (1979, 1982, 1985, 2006), taking triple duty in 2008’s Rambo, 1993’s Cliffhanger, and the upcoming all-star The Expendables, Stallone has been single-handedly crafting hits for over 30 years, with no signs of stopping. Let’s just hope he never again becomes a Quadruple Threat, and sings like he did in Rhinestone (1984).

Of course we all know that Renny Harlin, and not Sly directed Cliffhanger.  And of course, Bob Clark directed Rhinestone.  Still, it’s cool that Sly is recognized as a triple threat.  You can read the full piece hereAMC also has The Ultimate Rambo Quiz on the same page.