Cobra Collectible Knife

Mark from Hollywood Collectibles checked in with the following:

Hi Craig,

I hope this finds you well!

I wondered if our latest offering, a totally accurate reproduction of  the knife used in Cobra, would be of interest to your website users?   It is my all time favorite movie knife!

This is the link;

I have also organized a 10% discount as before for your guys using the  following when ordering;

Discount Coupon: COBRA

Oh, and it is available in limited numbers right now!




Thanks for the SZoner discount, Mark.  You guys do great work at Hollywood Collectibles.  Please keep us informed about new Stallone items as they become available.

Arnold Is In & Praises Sly

Arnold Schwarzenegger has confirmed that he will appear in a cameo role in “The Expendables.”  In an appearance on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos Arnold stated:

“Since I’ve become governor I’ve done three cameos when friends ask me and Sly asked me if I would do a cameo. I said of course I would help you do a cameo, there’s no two ways about that.”

In the same interview, Arnold also described Sly as:

“…a terrific director, writer, and great actor.”

Entertainment Tonight posted a piece on the interview which you can read here.  And Zimbio posted up twelve new photos of Sly and Arnold which can be seen here.

Derek Fridolf’s Rambo

My buddy, John Beatty turned me on to Derek Fridolf’s artwork.  I was visting John and he handed me Derek’s latest sketchbook.  I was instantly into the art.  I said to John that I bet that Derek could do a pretty cool StalloneBeatty laughed and handed me the sketch above.  I was floored.

Derek offers a free headsketch with every sketchbook purchased.  John wanted the sketchbook, but doesn’t collect art.  So he asked Derek to do a Stallone piece that he would give to me.   Derek agreed and created his very cool take on RamboYou can check out more of Derek’s work here.  And of course John Beatty can be found here and here.

Thanks to Derek and John.

Arnold: Expendable or Not?

On Tuesday, February 17, 2009, Harry at AICN posted an exclusive report that came to him from an extremely reliable source saying that Arnold Schwarzenegger would be making a cameo in “The Expendables.”

Harry said that Arnold would “shooting for one day” playing himself “and it seems that the Gov and Sly’s character Barney Ross have some history back when the Gov was shooting Conan the Barbarian!”  Harry concluded the post with: “So there you have it.  Sly and Arnie are both in this film.  I’d take this to the bank, I have a really good (ahem) source (ahem) on this!

Websites all over the world lit up with news that Arnold would finally appear on film alongside Sly.

Then, less than 24 hours later, Harry was back saying:

“Hey folks, Harry here… It seems there’s a possibility that my source was a bit too exuberant about the certainty of Arnold Schwarzenegger signing aboard.  The whole thing is very dependent upon what happens with Arnold’s primary gig as the Governor of California… My source also tells me if this miracle does come to pass you’ll find Arnie not as the Governor, but as something a bit more gritty, scarred and brutalized.

So, where does that leave us?  We’ve gone from a sure thing [“take it to the bank”] to what sounds as highly unlikely [“if this miracle does come to pass”].  Still, fans have been waiting for years for the pairing and “The Expendables” seems like the perfect project to make it happen.  I especially like the sound of the change from Arnie playing himself to something more “gritty, scarred and brutalized.”

Time will tell, but I do have my fingers crossed.