Christopher Mitten Gets Tough with Jack Carter

I’ve been a Christopher Mitten since I first discovered his art.  When I saw Christopher was going to be at HeroesCon last year, I hoped I would be able to get a Stallone sketch from him.  As you can see I was and I couldn’t be happier with it.  I love the attitude and toughness Chris gave Carter.

You can see more of Chris’ art here, here, here and follow him on Twitter here.

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week

Sly and the Family Stallone News for the Week…

June Vigants and Jimmy Bobo

June Vigants
created the Sly as James Bonomo aka Jimmy Bobo from Bullet to the Head piece above.  June was doing sketch commissions through the mail and although I’d never met her, I liked June’s art and decided to commission a few pieces.  I wasn’t disappointed.  This is the first with more to be posted!

You can see more of June’s art here and here.