I like this Cliffhanger poster art way more than I should. For some reason it works for me despite Sly’s wonky left arm and hand, his right hand showing only three fingers and a thumb and the likeness being close, but no cigar. Heck, they even made Cliffhanger into two words. Yet, I still like the overall effect of the poster.
If you’re wondering, the poster was used to promote Cliffhanger in Ghana. The posters were painted on cloth and, – well, let’s have Sly Stallone explain. Before you click on the video of Sly, thanks to “Bobby Klump” for the post on my StalloneZone forum of the Ghana Cliffhanger and other movie posters. Thanks also to “Foodfather” (also a SZoner) for finding and sharing the Stallone video explaining the poster. Finally, if you want to know more about Ghana movie posters – check out Extreme Canvas: Hand-Painted Movie Posters from Ghana.