Drew Struzan, one of the legends of movie poster art, was recently interviewed by Erik Sharkey for /Film.com. The interview is well worth a read. If you click over you’ll find out about Drew Stuzan’s…
- documentary
- love of King Kong (and his take on who the real villain of the film is)
- approach to poster art
- favorite Star Wars movie
- early art career
- thoughts on the Indiana Jones films
- plans for retirement
Before you click over, I want to highlight this exchange about Drew Struzan’s First Blood poster:
Erik Sharkey: I always thought your artwork for the movie First Blood was a powerful poster of a single figure.
Drew Struzan: Well, thank you. It’s a guy with a big gun, and the first thing we know is that he was in a war of some kind, but I want the image to be beautiful. I want it to be kind. I want it to be loving. Big tough guy with a big gun and bullets, how does that relate to what I’m saying? What’s the color in it? It’s basically a blue picture. And blue is the most comforting and loving color you can paint. Does it not look peaceful? I could have painted blood dripping from them, which a lot of movie posters have done, but that’s not what I paint. I want to make the world a better and more beautiful, peaceful, and kind place. So, you’ll see that in every picture I paint.